August 08, 2015

Forever living combined with slimmimg world weight lost plan

It's been 2 years since i wrote something on the blog. Gave birth to a beautiful baby Evan and I wasn't expecting so many changes in my life. Breastfeeding a baby who's lactose intolerant was a big chalenge. I had to change my eating habits. As all the mom's know chocolate is a very good anti-stress remedy or just a "help me cope with this new situation" ingredient. I couldn't have it! In a way i was quite happy because i lost alot of my pregnancy weight. Four months later was a different story. My baby didn't want to breastfeed anymore!! Sneaky and stubborn i tried giving him the breast  only at night time. It worked for a while until the day we went in a holiday and i left him for one night with my sister so i can go out with my husband. Once the baby found that from the bottle gets much more milk and easier never went back to breastfeeding 😔 I was very very depressed. Until one day when i stood up and decided there's no good to our family in beating myself for a fact that won't change. Beside my baby still had milk ( Nutramigen prescription) to drink. There are thousands of kids in this world missing the daily intake of any sort of food. We are blessed to feed him correctly! Meanwhile my cravings for chocolate and other food i have been deprived of during breastfeeding kicked in. Here i am now trying to go back to the previous weight. One friend introduced me to Forever Living clean 9 kit and i will give it a try next week when i will have it. I'm very excited. I tried losing with the slimmimg world and it worked very well . I was determined to get my goal. After the summer holiday in Italy, where i tasted so many goodies i just couldn't find enough motivation. I feel tired everyday and sleepy, headaches, have bad digestion, etc So i'm gonna start with the detox from Forever Living and continue with Slimming world as a life style. I will make a plan and if it works or not i will post the results here. Stay tuned 😚

October 22, 2012

The CHOCOLATE Loredana ate ...

Recently i read this :Dr. Golomb had seen research on animals showing that polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that abounds in chocolate, especially dark chocolate, boosted muscular performance and lean muscle mass and could cause weight loss even if the animal did not change its calorie consumption or exercise frequency. That prompted Dr. Golomb to suspect that chocolate increased metabolism at least as much as the extra calories would increase weight, giving chocolate a neutral effect on body weight.

I'm gonna keep track of all the chocolates i ate and mark those who i'd buy again for me or special occasions :)  

1. Maltesers
2. Lindt swiss deluxe
Maltesers are my favourite so far..Lindt are expensive but worthy for a fine gift.

Chocolate raisins

Chocolate raisins from sweet heaven consider for cakes..are soft and not too sweet.
Fox's are biscuits covered with a buttery chocolate ..very good , best mini lunch packages i ate so far :)

Fox's chocolatey

October 14, 2012

My icing/creams/decorations/food experience... project 3 underconstruction

Passionate about the artistic aspect of cooking, i want to start learning step by step ,with the help of other bloggers, google, you tube whatever tools available to make me grow. I'll share here (once i found out how to post pictures and video's ) my learning journey...

Reading fever .... project 2 underconstruction

" A book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition. Like money, books must be kept in constant circulation. Lend and barrow to the maximum." Henry Miller 

This year i subscribed a Facebook page, with other dear friends , all together united with the goal to read 65 books till the end of 2012.. Also we post a paragraph/quote we liked the most  from it.
I have a passion for reading no matter the country i live in. I always find myself buying a new book even when i live on a low budget.
This post is to keep track of the books i read so far..I'm reading in italian, romanian, english the paragraphs i'm posting are in the language i read the book...

1. Danielle Steel - Il miracolo

2. Oscar Wilde - Aforismi: "Che cosa è un cinico? Unos che sa il prezzo di tutte le cose, ma non conosce il valore di nessuna" (Ce este un cinic, un om care stie pretul tuturor lucrurilor dar nu stie valoarea lor).
«Fare una buona insalata vuol dire essere un diplomatico brillante, il problema è identico in entrambi i casi: sapere esattamente quanto olio bisogna mettere assieme all'aceto.» (A face o salata buna este totuna cu a fi un diplomat stralucit, dificultatea e identica in ambele cazuri: a sti cat de mult ulei sa pui impreuna cu otetul).
"Si dice qualche volta che i critici non leggono da capo a fondo i libri dei quali devono parlare. No, non lo fanno. O per lo meno, non sono tenuti a farlo. Per riconoscere la specie e qualità di un vino non c'è bisogno di bere tutta la notte."(Uneori, oamenii spun că criticii nu citesc cărţi de la început până la sfârşit de care trebuie să vorbească. Nu, nu. Sau cel puţin, nu sunt obligati să facă acest lucru. Pentru a identifica speciile şi calitatea unui vin nu este nevoie să bea toată noaptea"

3. Linda Dillow - Calm my anxious heart: “Filip.4:7 Pavel ne spune sa nu avem nimic de-a face cu ingrijorarea ci doar cu rugaciunea…Este mai usor sa ne ingrijoram,sa ne agitam,sa ne alegem cu arsuri la stomac, sa ne pierdem somnul, sa tipam la sotul nostru sau la prieteni,la copii nostri sau la colegele de camera,decat sa ne rugam.Am rastalmacit sfatul biblic ,nu in principiu,ci in punerea lui in practica.
Anxietatea e cea care ne abate atentia de la indatoririle actuale spre calcule epuizante de intampinare a unor situatii care s-ar putea sa nu survina niciodata…Cand copilul meu se afla in mijlocul soselei si se apropie o masina,pericolul este real; in acest caz ingrijorarea este buna, este un sistem de alarma care ma va ajuta sa-l salvez. Daca sunt ingrijorata pentru ca s-ar putea sa ia droguri,pentru ca fiica mea ar putea ramane insarcinata, pentru ca sotul meu ar putea fi infidel, pentru ca as putea avea cancer la san, pentru ca s-ar putea sa nu avem cu ce plati facturile in luna viitoare, pericolul este imaginar.
Eu ma multumesc cu ceea ce stiu si nu ma framant pentru ceea ce nu stiu”
" Doua femei priveau prin ale temnitei zabrele: Una zarea noroi , cealalta cerul plin de stele"

4. Linda Dillow - How is it like to be married with me: "Un pastor luteran a organizat o campanie de provocare a celor din biserica sa la 21 de zile fara plangeri incununata de purtarea unei bratari pe care scria "o lume fara nemultumiri" i-a incurajat pe membrii parohiei sale sa poarte aceasta bratara cerandu-le sa o mute de pe o mana pe cealalta ori de cate ori se surprindeau exprimandu-si vreo nemultumire. Linda D. ne indeamna sa facem chiar si un jurnal al multumirii. (Aceasta poate fi o noua provocare ptr. anul 2012 ;)
5. Francine Rivers - Her mother's hope: "D-zeu ingaduie suferinta si nedreptatea. Stiu ca tatal tau este crud si egoist uneori. Dar la inceput am avut momente de tandrete.El traieste cu amaraciunea dezamagirii. N-a invatat niciodata sa-si numere binecuvantarile.Daca vrei sa te ridici deasupra circumstantelor, trevuie sa inveti sa ti le numeri,iubito"... "Oriunde vei merge, lasa-L pe Hristos sa fie refugiul tau. Pune-ti sperantele in El si nu vei fi dezamagita de ceea ce-ti ofera viata"

6. Oswald Chambers - Baffled to fight better: "Daca iei lucrurile asa cum sunt ajungi la disperare, nu la frenezie,ci la o disperare reala si efectiva; iar Dumnezeu nu-l invinuieste niciodata pe om pentru disperare. Omul care gandeste trebuie sa fie pesimist, gandirea nu poate duce niciodata la optimism.Cel mai intelept om care a trait vreodata a spus ca " cine stie multe are si multa durere"

7. Lisa Bevere - The true measure of a woman: "valoarea ta nu sta in talentele sau abilitatile tale. tu nu esti ceea ce faci. Nu esti definita de priceperea sau de talentele tale innascute, nici de profesia sau cariera ta .Valoarea ta nu sta in ceea ce faci, in calitate de sotie, de mama sau de femeie care are o cariera. Nu esti definita nici prin prisma a ceea ce cunosti, in urma educatiei, e experientei si a inteligentei tale."

8. Tufisul de spini - Autor anonim"Nu este un pacat sa te bucuri de parfumul unui trandafir. Totusi sa iti amintesti ca cel care se avanta pripit si-l apuca cu lacomie se alege cu durerea si suferinta spinilor ascunsi"

9. Mary Jones and her Bible: "Charles isi intoarse privirea spre batranul predicator si i se adresa in soapta ca si cand ar fi vrut sa-i spuna un lucru tainuit..Oare nu-i aceasta priveliste destul sa poata topi o inima de piatra? O copila, atat de tanara, atat de saraca, atat de inteligenta, atat de cunoscatoare a Scripturilor, sa stranga castigul muncii ei timp de sase ani de zile , sa vina desculta din Llandfihangel pana la Bala, peste cincizeci de mile dus-intors, pentru a cumpara o Biblie! De astazi inainte nu voi mai putea avea o clipa de liniste pana cand nu voi reusi sa implinesc nevoia strigatoare la cer a tarii mele 

pentru Cuvantul scris al lui Dumnezeu"

10. Edwin Louis - Communication,sex and money: "When you have spoken a hasty word, the best thing is to go ask forgiveness and try get out of that negative situation.

Great works are built on great words. Let your words be great in God. Let your.
God be great in your words. Be a man of the word and a man of your word.
Impatience is the tool of the flesh, misunderstanding is the tool of devil.
Telling someone you will do something simply to pacify them, without meaning to do what you promise, is a idle word."

11. John C. Maxwell - How successful people think: "A person who knows how may always have a job, but the person who knows why will always be his boss. 

You can go much further with a team than you can go alone.

12. Sarah Ainley - Around the world in 350 recipes 

13. Oswald Chambers - Shade of his hand

To be continued ...I'll always come with updates for this list...

Help me out today ...project 1 underconstruction

I have moved a lot around and with every new place i found it difficult to integrate into the social life. Sometimes i had so many days off on my hand that i didn't know what to do with them. I read books, i created some silly crafts for family and friends, surf on the internet...
I really wanted to be helpful without wasting my time, create relationships. I even googled how i could volunteer for some charity organisations but i was really disappointed by the poor informations i could find.
Project nesting...One day chatting with a friend got this idea of creating a social calendar for those born again christians who may need domestic help in the area we live. Examples:  whoever needs a hand for moving out their stuff into a new house, organise a party event, painting their home, plumbing so on...paid or not..
Each one of us has different skills and professions. Any followers of any christian church could put their name on the calendar to ask/offer help.Why not, when we have a day off, make the world be jealous about the relationship us christians have?
I still have to figure out how to add this calendar to my blog , then it will take a while to make it known and find people willing to use it... I know nothing yet about tricks and tools of blogging. Help me out ?!